welcome to brothers and sisters united international Rise Up Youth Program

Explore our innovative programs and initiatives designed to shape leaders, foster self development, and tackle community challenges head-on.

welcome to brothers and sisters united international

Explore our innovative programs and initiatives designed to shape leaders, foster self development, and tackle community challenges head-on.

Empowering Communities Through Innovation

Spearheading sustainable change, fostering unity, and nurturing growth

our founder’s vision

Dr. Jarrod Hall, CEO & Founder, envisioned BSUI as a village where each member contributes to raising a child. His journey from St. Cloud State University professor to a community leader reflects our commitment to re-educate, reteach, motivate, and celebrate.

CEO & founder

our brand values

At BSUI, we stand for community impact and strive to be a beacon for stride academy middle school. Our values revolve around building knowledge, authenticity, and reducing trauma in our society.

our impart on society

BSUI and Rise Up Gifted Youth programs directly address the issues our community faces daily. From mental health challenges to the value of education, we offer services and programs that make a tangible difference.